Randy Willis

randy willis

Randy Willis is as much at home in the saddle as he is in front of the computer where he composes his western family sagas. Drawing on his family heritage of explorers, settlers, soldiers, cowboys, and pastors, Randy carries on the tradition of loving the outdoors and sharing it in the adventures he creates for readers of his novels.
“The best men I’ve known have been cowmen. There’s a code they live by—it’s their way of life. It starts with an abiding reverence for the Good Lord.  They’re taught to honor and respect their parents and to share both blanket and bread. 
Their words are their bond, a handshake their contract. They’re good stewards of His creation, the land. They believe the words in His Book. Learn from these men—from their stories of triumph over tragedy—victory over adversity, for the wisdom of others blows where it wishes—like a Louisiana Wind.” 
Randy Willis
These are the stories of such men….

Novels | Family | Ancestors | Newsletter 


Randy Willis is an American novelist, biographer, rancher, and music publisher. 

Randy Willis is the author of Destiny, Carolinas Wind, Twice a Slave, Three Winds Blowing, Louisiana Wind,  Beckoning Candle, The Apostle to the Opelousas, The Story of Joseph Willis, and many magazine and newspaper articles. 

Randy Willis...novels about adventure, family, faith, and the character of men and women that touched generations.

I've learned much from seeing the world through the eyes of my grandchildren, for you know, it is written, "the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." ~ Randy Willis

randy willis

randy willis

randy willis

randy willis

Josh Willis, Adam Willis, Randy Willis & Aaron Willis

randy willis

Randy and Josh Willis

randy willis

Beckoning Candle | Randy Willis


Randy Willis's newest novel, Beckoning Candle, is available now!

Beckoning Candle is a sweeping family saga that spans four centuries. It is the story of two great nations and Randy Willis's ancestor’s struggle from tyranny—religious and political.

To better understand this saga, it will help if you know a little about my ancestry dating back to 1575.

John Willis and William Bradford were born in England in the 16th century.  Both were Separatists because they separated from the Church of England, ruled by a king.

They were later contemporaries in the small village of Plymouth Colony, in the New World—America. They both lived out their lives there.

Generations later two of their descendants fell in love!  But I’m getting ahead of myself.

Randy Willis

randy willis, beckoning candle



Amazon Author's Page:   http://amazon.com/author/randywillis